Foresight News report, according to Arkham monitoring, CarteiraEndereço starting with 4Jpef spent $58,000 to purchase 1.5% of GOAT supply in the early stage, and the current profit is close to $7.45 million. 4Jpef previously received 104,000 DADDY tokens from the Carteira holding 1.4% of the supply, which were also purchased within 2 hours of DADDY's launch.
Arkham: Um usuário comprou 1,5% do fornecimento de GOAT no início, gastando cerca de 58.000 dólares, com um lucro próximo de 7.450.000 dólares.
Foresight News report, according to Arkham monitoring, CarteiraEndereço starting with 4Jpef spent $58,000 to purchase 1.5% of GOAT supply in the early stage, and the current profit is close to $7.45 million. 4Jpef previously received 104,000 DADDY tokens from the Carteira holding 1.4% of the supply, which were also purchased within 2 hours of DADDY's launch.